
Over 25 Million Gallons of Water Save in One Season


Working with Lee Rain, Inc. and utilizing their AG Management Strategies, Sorbello Farms CSA has realized significant water and subsequent energy – efficiencies. Nature’s Eye illustrates these efficiencies, showing just how much Sorbello Farms is able to give back to their community.

Looking at 2016, for example, one average size tomato grown at Sorbello Farms CSA represented almost 2.5 gallons of water saved, equating to almost 185 gallons of water saved per 25lb box (75 tomatoes) and over 25 million gallons of water saved over our entire production in just one season.*

If an olympic size pool holds 660,430 gallons of water, the water savings from our production of tomatoes in 2016 is enough to fill almost 38 olympic pools.

*Results shown are specific to 2016 Sorbello Farms CSA production data, as compared to USDA Census of Agriculture 2013 Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey and USDA NASS Quick Stats for Yield~New Jersey, Tomatoes, 2016.
